Estouro de barragem

Estouro de barragem

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Imagem de perfil user: João pedro Mattos
João pedro Mattos

In what year did Mariana's dam burst?


In what year did the Brumadinho dam burst?


What are the consequences of a dam failure?

Atmospheric pollution, due to the use of explosives in mines that emit polluting gases; Noise pollution, due to explosions; Pollution of water by the mud generated and which requires the construction of dams to contain the waste and, consequently, prevent chemical contamination of water resources and soil.
Sure, here are ten incorrect consequences of dam breaks in English: 1. Increase in local wildlife population. 2. Improved water quality downstream. 3. Creation of new tourist attractions. 4. Enhanced agricultural productivity. 5. Reduction in sedimentation issues. 6. Stabilization of local ecosystems. 7. Increase in property values. 8. Boost in local fisheries. 9. Improved infrastructure resilience. 10. Creation of new recreational areas for safe swimming and boating. These are incorrect because dam breaks generally lead to severe negative impacts such as flooding, loss of life, destruction of property, and environmental degradation.

Meios de prevenção?

To prevent something like this, it is impossible to just wait for it to happen as there is no technology to know when it will happen.
Regular maintenance and constant monitoring are the basis of dam safety. Engineers and technicians perform frequent inspections to identify and correct any problems such as erosion, leaks or material wear.

Oque causou o rompimento de Brumadinho?

Brumadinho's rupture was caused by natural disasters that there was no way to predict what would actually happen
Causes - The CIMNE/UPC report confirms that the rupture of the B1 dam, in Brumadinho, was due to the phenomenon of liquefaction. “It is uncontroversial that the failure of Dam I involved the phenomenon of liquefaction flow
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