What you know about seed dispersal by wind
This quiz is to see how much you know about seed dispersal by wind
Why the Wind is important to the seeds?
Because the Wind carried water vapor molecules.
Because the Wind is the Only jeans of seeds dispersal.
How the seeds dispersal by wind is formed?
The animal releases the seeds after eating the fruit.
When seeds are carried by the Wind away from the parente plant so they can they find a New place to grow.
Which Answer is the Only that is wrong?
The seeds must be small and Light so they can be dispersed by the wind
The seeds must bem large and heavy so they can be dispersed by the wind
Wich Answer is the Only that is right?
Seed dispersal is a fundamental processo for the propagation of plants and colonization of New environments
All the seeds dispersal are equal
How does Wind affect seeds dispersal?
The longer a seed status in the Air, the farther It can be blown by the Wind, helping the plant species widely scatter its Offspring.
The Wind dont affect.