Você sabe adivinhar as músicas do Now United apenas pela letra?

Você sabe adivinhar as músicas do Now United apenas pela letra?

Venha tentar! Pra não ficar tão difícil deixei o nome do integrante que canta tal parte!

Imagem de perfil user: Jaden

Take my heart, keep it with you, yeah, yeah Flex on me if you want to, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah (Sabina)

Na na na
Like that
By my side
Come together

The sun and the moon A billion stars above This feeling that we share Our hearts that beat as one (Noah)

By my side
Dana Dana
Who would think that love?
All day

No what the season, no, it won't change You can always count on me 'cause I will never leave (Savannah)

Come together
Let the music move you
By my side

Come with me, feel the rush Let's get close and share the love Take my hand, it's yours to hold Come together, don't let go (Any)

Come together
Sunday morning
Beautiful Life
Afraid of letting go

Tralalala, when you play that drum Tralalala, he go boom, boom, boom Got me dancin' like zoom, zoom, zoom Yeah, he got me like ooh, ooh (Diarra)

Crazy stupid silly love
Live this moment
Sunday morning

I get this feeling when I see you Like I never had before You're like a ghost that's always with me Yeah, you leave me wanting more (Bailey)

Summer in the city
What are we waiting for
Afraid of letting go
Na na na

Don't look back at all your problems Keep on moving with the flow (Josh)

By my side
Crazy stupid silly love
Live this moment

Come here, come here, won't you dance with me? I can learn fast if you down to teach (Heyoon)

Like that
Let the music move you
All day
Summer in the city
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