Você consegue adivinhar essas 13 músicas do Tame Impala pela letra?

Você consegue adivinhar essas 13 músicas do Tame Impala pela letra?

Um teste relativamente fácil pra quem é fã da banda.

Imagem de perfil user: entendendo músicas
entendendo músicas
"The only one who's really judging you is yourself, nobody else."
"O único que está realmente te julgando é você mesmo e mais ninguém."

"The only one who's really judging you is yourself, nobody else." "O único que está realmente te julgando é você mesmo e mais ninguém."

Alter Ego.
Alter Ego.
Be Above it.
Be Above it.
"But I know that I'll be happier, and I know you will too."
"Mas eu sei que eu serei feliz, e sei que você será também."

"But I know that I'll be happier, and I know you will too." "Mas eu sei que eu serei feliz, e sei que você será também."

On Track.
On Track.
Remember Me.
Remember Me.
"All I give are little clues, maybe one day I'll get through."
"Tudo o que dou são pequenas pistas, talvez algum dia eu irei superar."

"All I give are little clues, maybe one day I'll get through." "Tudo o que dou são pequenas pistas, talvez algum dia eu irei superar."

Keep on Lying
Keep on Lying
Be Above it.
Be Above it.
Is it True.
Is it True.
Desire Be Desire Go.
Desire Be Desire Go.
"An ocean growing inside, now all the others seem shallow."
"Um oceano crescendo por dentro, agora todos os outros parecem rasos."

"An ocean growing inside, now all the others seem shallow." "Um oceano crescendo por dentro, agora todos os outros parecem rasos."

Let it Happen.
Let it Happen.
Apocalyspe Dreams.
Apocalyspe Dreams.
Sun's Coming Up.
Sun's Coming Up.
"It feels like in all of the universe there is nobody for me."
"É como se no universo inteiro não houvesse ninguém pra mim."

"It feels like in all of the universe there is nobody for me." "É como se no universo inteiro não houvesse ninguém pra mim."

Solitude is Bliss.
Solitude is Bliss.
Why Won't They Talk Me?
Why Won't They Talk Me?
List of People (to Try and Forget About).
List of People (to Try and Forget About).
"Should you need to come undone and let those colors run?"
"Você precisa se desfazer e deixar essas cores correrem?"

"Should you need to come undone and let those colors run?" "Você precisa se desfazer e deixar essas cores correrem?"

Mind Mischief.
Mind Mischief.
Desire Be Desire Go.
Desire Be Desire Go.
The Moment.
The Moment.
Breathe Deeper.
Breathe Deeper.
"I just don't know where the hell I belong."
"Eu só não sei aonde eu pertenço."

"I just don't know where the hell I belong." "Eu só não sei aonde eu pertenço."

Mind Mischief.
Mind Mischief.
Past Life.
Past Life.
Island Walking.
Island Walking.
On Track.
On Track.
"My weekness is the source of all my pride."
"Minha fraqueza é a fonte de todo o meu orgulho."

"My weekness is the source of all my pride." "Minha fraqueza é a fonte de todo o meu orgulho."

Why Won't They Talk to Me?
Why Won't They Talk to Me?
Why Won't You Make up Your Mind?
Why Won't You Make up Your Mind?
Cause I'm a Man.
Cause I'm a Man.
"But don't remind me of home, there's everywhere I rather go."
"Mas não me lembre de casa, eu prefiro ir a qualquer outro lugar."

"But don't remind me of home, there's everywhere I rather go." "Mas não me lembre de casa, eu prefiro ir a qualquer outro lugar."

Music to Walk Home By.
Music to Walk Home By.
Taxi's Here.
Taxi's Here.
Runway, Houses, City, Clouds.
Runway, Houses, City, Clouds.
Instant Destiny.
Instant Destiny.
"In so many ways I'm somebody else, while trying so hard to be myself."
"Em muitas maneiras eu sou outra pessoa, enquanto tento duramente ser eu mesmo."

"In so many ways I'm somebody else, while trying so hard to be myself." "Em muitas maneiras eu sou outra pessoa, enquanto tento duramente ser eu mesmo."

I Don't Really Mind.
I Don't Really Mind.
Music to Walk Home By.
Music to Walk Home By.
Lost in Yesterday.
Lost in Yesterday.
Yes, I'm Changing.
Yes, I'm Changing.
"I wanna say it's okay, you're just a man after all."
"Eu quero dizer que está tudo bem, você é só um homem no fim das contas."

"I wanna say it's okay, you're just a man after all." "Eu quero dizer que está tudo bem, você é só um homem no fim das contas."

Posthumous Forgiveness.
Posthumous Forgiveness.
New Person, Same Old Mistakes.
New Person, Same Old Mistakes.
"A new day will come and it all will burst."
"Um novo dia irá vir e tudo isso irá explodir."

"A new day will come and it all will burst." "Um novo dia irá vir e tudo isso irá explodir."

Nothing That has Happened so Far has Been Anything We Could Control.
Nothing That has Happened so Far has Been Anything We Could Control.
I Don't Really Mind.
I Don't Really Mind.
Tomorrow's Dust.
Tomorrow's Dust.
The Moment.
The Moment.
"Go to sleep, you'll be fine."
"Vá dormir, você irá ficar bem."

"Go to sleep, you'll be fine." "Vá dormir, você irá ficar bem."

One More Hour.
One More Hour.
On Track.
On Track.
Apocalypse Dreams.
Apocalypse Dreams.
Endors Toi.
Endors Toi.
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