Quiz "Bad Blood" by Will Weaver

Quiz "Bad Blood" by Will Weaver

Work for English class

Imagem de perfil user: Daniela Santos
Daniela Santos

What did Jared practice in his free time?

He was a boy scout
He was kind
Helped old people

Interpreting the following sentence " Trouble was, my father had drummed into me that we were not petty thieves. Thieves, all right, but not small-timers. “The dollar bill is lying on the table, and all you have to do is reach over and pick it up. But it’s not the dollar you want, or the ten-spot, or even the whole wallet. Set your sights higher, son.” But stealing was in my blood. I didn’t see a woman shopping; I saw her purse loosely slung over her shoulder. I didn’t see a man walking down the street; I saw his wallet peeking from his hip pocket. It was genetic "What did jered's father want for his son's future?

His father never liked to get involved in his son's future
His father would like it if unlike him, Jared had a future with a great study/degree
His father would like him to be a great and important thief

why Mrs anderson is living alone

His son died in vietnam
Expelled your son
Son left home to live with his family

Personal Question: Do you think that stealing is something that is in the blood or only in education? (there is no correct option)

Blood ("bad blood)
education (in this case father's and grandfather's educatio)

Do you think you would read this story? (no correct option)

one of other options
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