quiz about water cycle

quiz about water cycle

questions about the water cycle

Imagem de perfil user: Miguel Bieco
Miguel Bieco

What is the main function of the water cycle?

the clouds are the main functions of the water cycle
The water cycle is important because it ensures that this substance constantly circulates throughout the environment

What is the real name of the water cycle?

the real name of the water cycle is hydrological cycle
The real name of the water cycle is the water cycle

Who is responsible for the water cycle?

It basically depends on the force of gravity and solar energy
those responsible for the water cycle are vegetation

What is the first process in the water cycle?

the precipitation is the first process in the water cycle
the evaporation is the first process in the water cycle

What is the sequence of processes in the water cycle?

evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration and transpiration
evaporation, condensation, infiltration, precipitation and transpiration

What is the main difference between sea water and continental water?

sea ​​water has a high concentration of salts, continental waters are bodies of water that are found on dry land
continental water and sea water are identical

What kind of water can humans drink?

the type of water we can consume is drinking water
the type of water that humans can drink is fresh water
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