Quiz about our Newsletter

Quiz about our Newsletter

We created this QUIZ for YOU to test your knowledge of this edition of our newsletter! Click here to test your knowledge and find out how “digital” you are! Send a screenshot of your result to [email protected]. We will publish the ranking in the next editions! Participate and encourage your colleagues to also do the quiz, it's really quick!

Imagem de perfil user: Beatriz Figueiredo
Beatriz Figueiredo

What does SPOT mean?

Solutions, Problems, Opportunities & Transformation
Super, Priorities, Opportunities & Work
Solutions, Problems, Opportunities & Trampo

Which one was the most visited (virtual) booth at the VPS event this year?

Electric Locomotive
Innovation Hubs

The Agile Community

All options
It already has about 200 members and is open to the entire company
Has the objective of converging initiatives, discussions, exchanges of ideas and content related or related to Agile

Scouting ...

All options
Is one of the tools of Open Innovation
Based on the active search for solutions in the innovation ecosystem

How many people have participated in Agile and Design Thinking lives or training at GBS (Global Business Support)?

Almost 2,000
Nearly 5,000
Nearly 1,000
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