Which of the following food pyramid foods is the healthiest?
Vegetable Oils. (Óleos Vegetais.)
Fruit. (Frutas)
Milk and dairy products. (Leite e derivados)
Which alternative below clearly shows the food that we should eat the most?
Whole grains. (Cereais integrais)
Meat, because it has protein. (Carne, porque possui proteína)
Sweets of course! (Doces é claro!)
What is the main function of carbohydrates?
None of the alternatives are correct. (Nenhuma das alternativas está correta.)
Regulatory function. (Função reguladora.)
How many nutrients can food provide us?
Seven. (Sete)
Ten.( Dez)
How can nutrients help to eat healthily?
Fatten.( Engordar)
It doesn't help at all.( Não ajuda em nada.)
What are the benefits of vitamin A?
Prevention of diseases such as night blindness and strengthens the immune system.(Prevenção de doenças como cegueira noturna e fortalece o sistema imunológico)
Prevention of anemia and skin lesions and nervous system problems. (Prevenção de anemia e lesões da pele e problemas do sistema nervoso.)
Are the foods responsible for maintaining and building the body called?
Energy drinks. (Energéticos)
Builders. (Construtores.)
Regulators. (Reguladores)
Water is essential for our body. is it so important that it constitutes ??
About 30% of our body. (Cerca de 30% do nosso corpo)
About 70% of our body. (Cerca de 70% do nosso corpo)
Eating fiber is very beneficial for:
Lymphatic system. (Sistema linfático)
Digestive system. (Sistema digestório)
Do you know what the main food groups are?
Energy foods, deconstructive foods, regulating foods. (Alimentos energéticos, alimentos desconstrutores, alimentos reguladores)
Energy foods, food builders, regulating foods. (Alimentos energéticos, alimentos construtores, alimentos reguladores)