qual o primeiro paço?
fill in immigration papers
go through immigration
buy some last of minute duty free
get your bags at the baggage claim
take the shuttle to the hotel
segundo paço
get your baggs at the baggage claim
buy some last minutes duty free
fill in immigration papers
go through immigration
go through costums
take the shuttle to the hotel
3 paço
buy some last minutes duty free
take the shuttle to the hotel
go through immigration
go through customs
get your bags at the baggage claim
fill in immigration papers
quarto paço
take the shuttle to the hotel
go through costums
fill in immigration papers
get your bags at the baggage claim
go through immigration
buy some last minutes duty free
quinto paço
get your bags at the baggage claim
go through immigration
go through costums
buy some last minutes duty free
fill in immigration papers
take the shuttle to the hotel
ultimo paço
go through costums
buy some last minutes duty free
fill in immigration papers
go through immigration
take the shuttle to the hotel
get your bags at the baggage claim