Jogo Sobre Poluição e Água - 9° A

Jogo Sobre Poluição e Água - 9° A

Jogo para o 4° bimestre da escola PEI EE Dr Disnei Francisco Scornaienchi Prof: Patrícia (Deolane) 9°A Julinha - n° 18 Hector - n° 15

Imagem de perfil user: Green CatPucci
Green CatPucci
Contamination of water transmits:

Contamination of water transmits:

Carbon dioxide
Old age
What are the most common types of pollution?

What are the most common types of pollution?

Water, Light and Visual Pollution
Noise, Water and Atmospheric Pollution
Soil, Atmospheric and Water Pollution
Thermal, Nuclear and Noise Pollution
What happens when we throw garbage in the water?

What happens when we throw garbage in the water?

We purify the water and the fish reproduce
The water remains as it was before
Make fish healthier
We pollute the water and kill the fish
What causes pollution?

What causes pollution?

The human and ghosts
The animals and plants
Humans and natural processes
The oxygen that trees produce
What contributes to air pollution?

What contributes to air pollution?

Burning fossil fuels, industrial production and power generation by power plants
The steam from the water that comes out of the shower, when it comes in contact with human skin
Using cell phones and computers for more than 4 hours a day
The amount of water that living beings consume throughout the week
Ice is:

Ice is:

Water in solid state
Water in the gaseous state
The water in the liquid state
Water in the condensation state
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