Levando em consideração as diferentes formas de se referir a ações no futuro, analise os itens seguintes: I. Claire is working at the library on Friday morning. II. When I retire, I am going to go back to Liverpool to live. III. The telephone is ringing, but I won’t answer it. IV. James and Sarah are working two jobs to afford a private school for their children. O emprego dos termos em destaque está CORRETO apenas em
Mary: "I am about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!" Clare: "I______you some coffee."
c) 'll go
d) am going to get to
b) am going to get
a) will get
Selecione a forma correta para o uso no inglês : Vamos viajar amanhã, pois já comprei as passagens.
b) Will
a) Be goign to
Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “I’m sure she ___________ me” no Simple Future?
a)will recognize.
c) will recognized
Complete a frase “The stores ___________ early this afternoon” com o verbo no Simple Future e depois marque a alternativa correta.
will close
will closing
Qual alternativa corresponde à transformação da frase “They don’t have the usual signs” para o Simple Future?
a) They won’t have the usual signs.
b) They will have the usual signs.
c) They having the usual signs.