Complete a música do BTS!

Complete a música do BTS!

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Imagem de perfil user: 💎Recrazy💎

'cause, I, I'm in the stars tonight

like a criminal undercover
So, watch me bring the fire, and set the night alight
i want something stronger

Memories follow me left and right

when your heart's just like a drum
plaiyng that basketball, uh, we plaiyng that a lot, huh
I can feel you over here, I can feel you over here

when the nights get older

and the rhythm's got you falling behind
i know what i am
cup of milk, lets rock 'n' roll

this is getting heavy, can you hear the bass boom?

you, you are my universe, and I just want to put you first
peaches and cream, sweeter than sweet
i'm ready (woo-hoo)

yeah the past was honestly the best

not, not today!
but my best is what comes next
but still part of this world

take my hands now

how to erase your body from out my brain?
you are the cause of my euphoria
i'm so sick of this fake love

ooh, when I look in the mirror

ever since the d-day y-you went away
got you stuck in my head, yeah
i'll melt your heart into two
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