Adivinhe a membro e o M/V do Twice pelo figurino (nivel muito facíl)

Adivinhe a membro e o M/V do Twice pelo figurino (nivel muito facíl)

Adivinhe a Membro e o M/V do Twice pelo figurino (nivel muito facíl) ❤❤❤❤ let's go!! 🍓

Imagem de perfil user: Once K-popper
Once K-popper
Qual é a membro e o M/V?

Qual é a membro e o M/V?

Jihyo- Feel Special
Tzuyu- What is Love?
Mina- Fancy
Chaeyoung- I Can't Stop Me


Dahyun- Feel Special
Momo- I Can't Stop Me
Nayeon- I Can't Stop me
Jeongyeon- Signal


Chaeyoung- What is Love?
Tzuyu- Yes or Yes
Momo- More & More
Sana- Feel Special


Sana- TT
Mina- Cheer Up
Chaeyoung- Yes or Yes
Nayeon- TT


Dahyun- Yes or Yes
Jeongyeon- Signal
Sana- Yes or Yes
Nayeon- Like Ooh Aah


Mina- More & More
Mina- Dance the Night Away
Sana- Feel Special
Momo- What Is Love?


Jihyo- Fancy
Mina- Merry & Happy
Tzuyu- Dance the Night Away
Tzuyu- Like Ooh Aah


Nayeon- Feel Special
Dahyun- Dance The Night Away
Jeongyeon- Feel special
Jeongyeon- Fancy


Momo- More & More
Nayeon- Feel Special
Jeongyeon- Signal
Nayeon- Signal
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