Are you a participative student?
Yes, I am. I participate all the time.
Yes, I am. I participate most of the time.
Kind of. I only participate when the teacher calls my name.
No, I am not. I only participate through chat and only if strictly necessary.
Do you turn in your activities in due time?
Yes, I do.
Most of times in the last minute, but I always do.
Yes. Of course I do!
I always try my best.
In your opinion, are you learning something in online classes?
Yes, I am! It's different, but it's also good.
Yes, I am. I think it's different, but it's not bad.
Yes, I am. I think we are always learning something.
Yes, I am, but just a few things. Online classes are definetely not my cup of tea.
To do your asynchronous activities do you...?
follow a strict schedule
watch an episode of a TV show to motivate you on doing the activities.
do as soon as possible
ask your classmates what you have to do because you've forgotten the guidelines.
Would you rather study another year of online classes or three semesters without actual vacation on a row?
I would rather study online another year.
It isn't good but another year of online classes would be better.
I would rather three semesters of face-to-face classes. I can't take another year of online classes.
I would rather be on a leave of absence.